
Defination÷ Antibiotics are the chemical substance derived from metabolically produced by living organism which are capable of inhibiting a small life process of other microorganism in small concentration.
Previously known antibiotics where named on very subjective basis
a) Some antibiotic where named from microbs from which they are derived .
    E.g : Sterptomycin as it is obtained from streptomycesgriseus
    B) Some are named after their laborotary
    E.g : Nystatin as it is produced in New York state board of health laboratory
    C) some were named after secretary
    E.g..Nacimycin as the name of secretary was Nancy .
    D) some were named after movies
    E.g. Rifonycin derived from the movie Riffi
E) Some are named after patient
    E.g. Bacitracin because the name of patient was Tracy
    F) Some are named after culture number
    E.g. Standing as it was isolated from the culture name eight and so on.
To avoid the confusion the committe by American chemical
role society of microbiolgy to frame role which are as follows :-
    1) If chemical structure is known as then name should be based on chemical structure .
    2) If chemical  structure unknown then germs can be used as a route .
    a) the suffix mycia is restricted to the antibiotics obtained from SterptomycinSpecis .
    E.g. Neomycia
    b) The suffix mycin is restricted to antibiotics which etc derived from micromomospora spp.
    3) Failing the use of germ the mode of acting or spectrum of activity should be useful ..

Classification :-

    A)Depending upon system of antimicrobial activity .
    a) Nature Spectrum antibiotics :-
The antibiotics having high degree specific i.e they are selectively
effective either on gram positive and negative bacteria or certain fungi or antibiotics
e.g.. Benzyl penicillin
b) Broad spectrum antibiotics .
The Antibiotics which are large number of pathogen not only gram
positive or gram negative bacteria but also effect on intracellular microorganism like virus and rickets are called broad spectrum antibiotics
e g . Tetracycline Sterptomycin
B) Dependig upon biosynthesis :
a) Antibiotics derived from amino acid 1) from simple amino acid :
e.g. Chlorophenol
2)             From two amino acid eg: Benzyl penicillin
3)             from many amino acid
e.g. Bacteria
b)             Antibiotic derived from sugar
e.g. Benzyl penicillin streptomycin neomycin gentamyacin
c)              Antibiotics derived from acetates and propannuate
e.g Tetracycline
d) Miscellaneous.
e.g. GriseofuleinRifamcia
C) Depending upon on the basis of chemical structure
a) B.lactum antibiotics { containB.lacturebeterocycle}
E.g. Benzyl penicillin Benzathin, Penicillin phenoxymethylpenicillin ,Ampicillin, cerebencillin, cephalondine  , Cepharhin, cephalexin.
b) non- lactum antibiotics [does not contain B.lactum ring ] 1) antibiotics containing hydraonapthalene ring. Eg Tetracycline
2) amino glycoside antibiotics
e.g. Sterptomycin , Neomycin Gentamyacin
3) Macrolide amtibiotics
e.g Erythromycin
4)                       Ansmycin
5)                       Polyene antifungal antibiotics
e.g. NystainhamycinAmphaterenin
6)                       Anthracyclin
7)                       petide antibiotics
e.g Bacteria
Steriodal antibiotics
e.gFruscride acid
9)                       Necloside Antibiotics
other hetrocyclic ring containing antibiotics
e.gMitomycin , cycloserine
11)                   Non classifible antibiotics
e.gGriseofulvin , chloromphenical

Basic structure of protein

     Phenoxy methyl penicillin :-

     Chemistry of pencillin :
Penicillin contain B-lactum ring 4-membered of cyclic amide is fused with Thiozoledin ring so that nitrogen atom Adjucent carbon atom are common to both ring this gives bycyclichetrocyclic system called phenom.
1)  Benzyl penicillin ( penicillin-G)
     Physical properties:-
1)             It is white finely crystalline powder having faint characteristic odour.
2)             They are hygroscopic.3) Very soluble in water.
Chemical properties :-
1)                     In Strongely acidic medium penicillin undergose degradation in which Blactum and thiorodic ring are open giving penicillinis acid
2)                     In presence of alkali it is hydrolised to penicilloic acid by opening a Blactum ring
It’s used as to treat :-
1)        Absence [Formulation of pus ]
2)        Cephylis
3)        Gonorrhoea [Caused due to Gonocal infection ]
4)        Pharyngitis
5)        Pneumonia
6)        Meningitities
7)        Endocarditis
1)        Benzyl penicillin Injection
2)        Benzyl penicillin eye drop
3)        Benzyl penicillin eye ointment
4)        Procaine penicillin Injection

     2) Benzathin penicillin Physical properties
1)             It is white crystalline powder
2)             It is odourless
3)             It is hygroscopic
4)             It is slightly soluble in water
     Stability and storage
It is stored in tightly closed light resistant container at temperature not exceeding 25°C
1)             Benzathine penicillin Tablet
2)             Benzathin penicillin oral Suspension
3)             Benzathin penicillin static suspension
4)             Benzathin penicillin Injection

1)             It is used to treat
2)             Absence
3)             Gonorrhoea
4)             Phoroyngitis
5)             Pneumonia
Brand name :
penidure, Longacillin
3) Phenoxy methyl penicillin:
Properties :
1)   It is white , Crystalline Powder
2)   It is odourless
3)   It is slightly bitter taste
4)   It is very slightly Soluble in water &freely soluble in alcohol .
It is stored in tightly closed container .
•Use :
It is used to treat :
1)          Abcesses
2)          Cyphylics
3)          Gonorrhoea
4)          Pneumonia
Formulation :
1)             Phenoxy methyl penicillin capsule
2)             Phenoxy methyl penicillin Tablet
3)             Phenoxy Methyl penicillin suspension
Brand name
Penotried ,Depan , Crystapen
4)             Ampicillin
•Properties :
1) It is white crystalline powder
2) It is odourless
3) It is a bitter taste
4) It is slightly soluble in water and very slightly Soluble in alcohol
• Storage:
It is stored in tightly closed container in a cool place

1)                       Gonorrhoea
2)                       Menigitits
3)                       Enteric infection 4) Urinary track infection
• preparation :
Sterile Solution
Brand name :
5) Carbanicillin
• Properties :
1)             It is almost hygroscopic powder or white crystalline powder
2)             It is odourless
3)             It has bitter taste
4)             Freely soluble in water , practically insoluble in other and chloroform.
     Storage :
It is stored in tightly closed container in a cool place.
1)        It is used to treat Respiratory track infection.
2)        It is used to treat urinary track infection
Dosage form:
Carbenecillin Injection
6) Cloxacillin:
1)            It is white crystalline powder
2)            It is odourless
3)            It has bitter taste
4)            It is freely soluble in water, Slightly soluble in chloroform5) Temp. Is not more than 25°C.

     Storage :
It is stored in tightly closed container.
     Use :
1) It is used to treat the respiratory track infection 2) It is use to treat the urinary track infection 3) It is use to treat the aritis media meningitis.
•preparation :Tablet
     Brand name Cloxine, Cloxa-A
     7) Cephadospories :Eg . Cephalaxin.
1)     It is cream colour crystalline powder
2)     It has characteristic odour
3)     It is Sparingly soluble in water slightly Soluble in alcohol and chloroform
•Chemical properties:with the mixture of Sulphuric acid and nitric it gives yellow colour
•Stability &Storage :
1)     It is absorbed the moistured it is after by light.
2)     It is stored in tightly closed light resistant container at temperature not
exceending 30°C.
           Use :
1)     It is used to treat Respiratorytrack infection
2)     It is use to skin & soft tissue infection
i) otitis media
ii)Urinary track  infection
iii) Bonel joint infection
v) Dental infection •Formulation:
1)     Cephalaxin Tablet
2)     Cephalexin Capsule 3) Cephalexin mixture
           Brand name :
Cephaxine ,Neocetcephaxin
           8) Cephaloridine
1)It is white crystalline powder
2) It is odourless.
3)     It has slight odour pyridine
4)     It has bitter taste , Freely soluble in water discoloured in presence of light.
           Chemical properties :
With mixture of Sulphuric acid and nitric acid it gives permanent bluish green colour .
           Stability and Storage :
It is discoloured on expansion to light hence it is stored resistance container which one sealed to excluidemicro organism on kept in cool place
           Use :
1)    It is antimicrobial agent
2)    It is used to treat UTI &RTI
3)    It is used to treat infection of skin and soft tissue 4) bone and joint infection Formulation: Cephalaridine Injection
    Brand name : Cephalodin,  cephadine
    9) Cephalondine :
    Properties :
1)    It is white crystalline powder
2)    It is odourless
3)    It is freely soluble in water and insoluble in alcohol .
•Storage :
It is store in tightly closed container and temperature not exceeding 25°C
     Use :
1)     It is used to treat U.T.J
2)     R.T.I
3)     Skin and soft tissue 4) Bone and Joint infection .
     Preparation: Injection
     Brand name : keflin , Seffine
     Non lactum antibiotics :-
•1) Neomycin :
•Properties :
1)     It is white or yellowish white powder
2)     It is a hygroscopic
3)     It is freely soluble in water slightly Soluble in alcohol
• Chemical Properties :
Solution of substances in pyridine when heated on water bath with Ninhydrin between 65°C to 70°C for 10 min Deep violet colour produced
• Uses:
1)              It is used broad spectrum antibodies
2)              It is used to treat Staphylococal infection of skin , eye  and also GIT infection on oral administration
3)              In hepatic coma
•Formulation :1) Neomycin cream
2)                 Neomycin eye drop
3)                 Neomycin eye ointment
4)                 Hydracortison and neomycin cream
5)                 hydrocortion and neomycin eye drop
6)                     neomycin ,  bacteria ,  polymixin eye drop
• Brand name :
Dexbr-N , Dexacoart N , Ne-Ba-Suif.
Neospeorin•2 )Gentamicn:
1)     It is white to cream coloured powder
2)     It is soluble in water and insoluble in  Chloroform
     Storage :
It is stored in tightly closed container in a cool place.
1)    It is used in broad spectrum antibiotics
2)    It is used in treatment of septicemia
3)    It is used in surgical infection 4) It is used to treatment of endocarditis.
• Formulation :
1)    Gentamicin injection
2)    Gentamicin cream
3)    Gentamicin eye drop 4) Gentamicin ointment
• Brand name :
Gentamicin , G-Mycin , Gentapor
     3) Tetracycline :
     Properties :
1)              It is yellow crystalline powder
2)              It is odourless
3)              It has bitter taste
4)              It is slightly soluble in water and soluble dil. Acid
• Uses :
It is used to treat Bronchitis : a)  Urinary track infection
b)    Syphilis
c)     Gonorrhoea
d)    Rat bite fever
e)    Acne
f)       Plague
g)    Malaria
h)    Amoebic dysentry
i)        infection of eye
       Formulation :
1)   Tetracycline capsule
2)   Tetracycline Tablet
3)   Tetracycline Injection
4)   Tetracycline eye ointment
5)Tetracycline Infusion •Brand name:
Furomycin ,EnterocyclineEnterocycline , Cadicydine
•4) Erythromycin :
•Properties :
1) It is white or yellowish white crystal
 2) It is odourless
3) It has bitter taste .
4) It is hygroscopic and soluble in water but soluble in dil.HCL
       Stability :
It is affected by light , moisture hence it is stored in tightly closed light resistant container at temperature below 30°C.
       Uses :
1)   It is used to treat
2)   Gonorrhoea
3)   Pneomonia
4)   pelvic inflammation
5)   Urethritis
6)   Amoebic dysentry7) Wound and burn infection
• Formulation :
1)   Erythromycin Tablet
2)   Erythromycin Injection
3)   Erythromycin soluble Tablet
4)   Erythromycin capsule
    Brand name :
Erythrocin ,Althrocin
5) Chlorophenical
1)    It is white greenish powder or yellowish white crystaline powder or needle or dongated plate
2)    It is odourless and has bitter taste
3)    It is slightly soluble in water freely soluble in alcohol
1) It is used to treat
a)      Thyphoid
b)      Parathyphoid
c)       Menigitis
d)      Urinary track infection
e)      Ricket infection
f)         Infection of eye and eye
e) skin infection
1)     Chlorophenical capsule
2)     Chlorophenical eye drop
3)     Chlorophenical eye ointment  4) Chlorophenical injection suspension
•Brand name :
chlorostrep ,Enterostrep . Enteromycin ,o- mycin
• Structure of
1)             It is white or pale cream coloured powder
2)             It is tasteless
3)             It is odourless
4)             It is slightly soluble in water. Soluble in acetone , Freely soluble in tetrachloraethane
     Chemical Properties:
when it is treated with potassium dichromate in presence of Sulphuric acid
white red coloured produced .
     Storage :
It  is a stored in tightly closed container.
i)           It is used in antifungal agent against wide range dermatophytose it get
deposited keratin of skin hair, Nails thus it prevent fungal infection of newly from sepsis.
ii)       Therefore, it is used in treatment of infectiyon caused by ringwarm ,Trychophyton species epidermophytone Species.
•Properties :
1)     Griseoflavin Tablet
2)     Griseoflavin Capsule
3) Griseoflavin oral Suspension
• Brand name :
Grisovin ,Fungivin , Bifulvin.


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